"You will find it to be true, I think, so long as you remain deeply involved with the processes of your own imagination—not as alternative to what seems to be the reality of outward observation, not even as supplement to positive action and acquisition, because that's not the way in which the imagination can serve you best. What it can do is to serve as a sort of no man's land between that foreground of system and dogma, of positive action, for which you have been trained, and that vast background of immense possibility, of negation, which you must constantly examine, and to which you must never forget to pay homage as the source from which all creative ideas come."

Thank you, Josh Cohen, for this quote from Glenn Gould.


Charles F. Sabel
is the Maurice T. Moore Professor of Law and Social Science at Columbia Law School, a post he has held since 1995. He was formerly Ford International Professor of Social Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earlier work focused on the crisis of mass production and its implications for the regulation of markets and the macro economy. More recent work develops pragmatist ideas into a general conception of democratic experimentalism, with particular attention to regulation, the provision of complex social services and contracting under uncertainty. Current projects include the elaboration of experimentalist or incremental solutions to apparently global problems such as trade and climate change; an investigation of the current transformation of US administrative law in the face of uncertainty, and new models of economic development emerging with the spread of advanced techniques of “industrial” production to all sectors of the economy in the context of globalization.

Ph.D. in Government, Harvard University, 1978
A.B. in Social Studies, summa cum laude, Harvard College, 1969

Professional Experience
1995–Present Professor of Law and Social Science, Columbia Law School
2014–2015 Florence Rogatz Visiting Professor of Law, Yale Law School
1990–1995 Ford International Professor of Social Science in the Department of Political Science, M.I.T.
1987–1990 Professor of Social and Political Science in the Department of Political Science and the Program in Science, Technology, & Society, M.I.T.
1984–1987 Associate Professor of Social and Political Science and the Program in Science, Technology, & Society, M.I.T.
1977–1984 Ford International Assistant Professor of Social Science in the Program in Science, Technology, & Society, M.I.T.
1976 Research Associate at Max Planck Institut fur Erforschung der Lebensbedingungen der Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Welt, Starnberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Papers2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 1999, 98, 97, ...
Books, Articles & Presentations, Other



Patrick Bolton
Joshua Cohen
Gráinne de Búrca
Oliver Gerstenberg
Ronald J. Gilson
Gary Herrigel
Robert O. Keohane
  Peer Hull Kristensen
Richard M. Locke
Michael Piore
Joel Rogers
Robert E. Scott
William H. Simon
Jonathan Zeitlin
CFS Profiles    
SSRN   Columbia Law

Charles F. Sabel
Professor of Law and Social Sciences
Jerome Greene Hall 929
435 West 116th Street New York, NY 10027 (Map)

Office Hours by Appointment Only
Emails to Professor Sabel should only concern his areas of work

Évita Yumul, Faculty Assistant
Jerome Greene Hall 800/2

All content © 2012-2023 Charles Sabel and respective authors

Papers & Presentations
2024 & Forthcoming


















  • Cohen, Joshua and Charles F. Sabel. "Extra Rempublicam, Nulla Justicia." Philosophy & Public Affairs, vol. 34, no. 2, 2006, pp. 147-175.
  • Sabel, Charles F. "A Real Time Revolution in Routines." The Firm as a Collaborative Community, edited by Charles C. Heckscher and Paul S. Adler, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 106-156; Organizational Studies, 2006, p. 110-113.
  • Sabel, Charles F. and William H. Simon. "Gaps and Hybrids." New Governance and Constitutionalism in Europe and the US edited by Gráinne De Búrca and Joanne Scott, Hart, 2006.





  • Sabel, Charles F. "Diversity, Not Specialization: The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District." Complexity and Industrial Clusters - Dynamics, Models, National Cases, edited by Alberto Quadrio Curzio and Marco Fortis, Physica-Verlag HD, 2002, pp. 107-122. In Italian: “Diversita, non specializzazione: i legami che uniscono il (nuovo) distretto industrial.” Complessita e Distretti Industriali - Dinamiche, Modelli, Casi Reali, Societa editrice il Mulino, 2002.


  • Dorf, Michael C. and Charles F. Sabel. "A Constitution of Democratic Experimentalism." Colum. L. Rev., vol. 98, no. 2, 1998, pp. 267-473.
  • "Regionalismo sperimentale e i dilemmi della politica economica regionale in Europa," in Neoregionalismo, P. Perulli, Ed., First ed. (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri editore, 1998), pp. 70-110.
  • Cohen, Joshua and Charles F. Sabel. "Directly-Deliberative Polyarchy.” European Law Journal, vol. 3, no. 4, 1997, pp. 313-342.
  • Sabel, Charles F. "Design, Deliberation, and Democracy: On the New Pragmatism of Firms and Public Institutions.” Liberal Institutions, Economic Constitutional Rights, and the Role of Organizations, edited by Karl-Heinz Ladeur, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1997, pp. 101-149.
  • "Constitutional Orders: Trust Building and Response to Change," in Contemporary Capitalism: The Embeddedness of Institutions, J. R. Hollingsworth and R. Boyer, eds. (Cambridge, England and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 154-188.
  • "Foreward," in In the Shadow of the Tiger: New Approaches to Combating Social Exclusion, P. Kirby and D. Jacobson, Eds. (Dublin: Dublin City University Press, 1998,) pp. xi-xiii.
  • "Rappresentanza del lavoro autonomo e coordinamento economico. Il caso degli enti bilaterali dell'artigianato," in Il Lavoro Autonomo di Seconda Generazione, S. Bologna and A. Fumagalli, Eds. (Milan: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, May 1997.)
  • "Craft Production In Crisis:Industrial Restructuring in Germany During the 1990s" with Gary Herrigel, in Hedging Bets on Growth in Globalizing Industrial Order: Lessons for Asian NIEs, LeeJay Cho and YH Kim eds., (Seoul, South Korea: KDI Press, December 1997).

2010-1997 Older articles



Books & Edited Volumes

Older Articles & Presentations
  • 1996 "Constitutional Orders: Trust Building and Response to Change." Roger Hollingsworth and Robert Boyer, eds., Contemporary Capitalism: The Embeddedness of Institutions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • 1996 "Intelligible Differences: On Deliberate Strategy and the Exploration of Possibility in Economic Life." Rivista Italiana degli Economisti (Journal of the Societ Italiana degli Economisti), Anno 1 (April 1996), n. 1, pp. 55-80.
  • 1996 "A Measure of Federalism: Assessing Manufacturing Technology Centers." In Research Policy, Volume 25 (1996), pp. 281-307.
  • 1996 "Ungoverned Production: An American View of the Novel Universalism of Japanese Production Methods and Their Awkward Fit with Current Forms of Corporate Governance." Worldspeaker, Summer 1996.
  • 1996 "Gli enti bilaterali dopo l'inizio: tre approcci a una interpretazione operativa." Rivista quadrimestrale della Associazione Lavoro e Ricerche.
  • 1996 "Learning by Monitoring: The Dilemmas of Regional Economic Policy in Europe." In Networks of Enterprises and Local Development (Paris: OECD Territorial Development), pp. 23-51.
  • 1995 "Meta-Corporations and Open Labor Markets: Some Consequences of the Reintegration of Conception and Execution in a Volatile Economy." In Wolfgang Littek and Tony Charles, eds., The New Division of Labour: Emerging Forms of Work Organisation in International Perspective (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1996), pp. 57-94.
  • 1995 "Stabilization Through Reorganization? Some Preliminary Implications of Russia’s Entry into World Markets in the Age of Discursive Quality Standards," with Jane Prokop. In Roman Frydman, Andrzej Rapaczynski, and Cheryl Gray, eds., Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia, Vol. II. World Bank/Central European University Privatization Project Publication (Budapest: CEU Press, 1996), pp. 151-191.
  • 1995 "Experimental Regionalism and the Dilemmas of Regional Economic Policy in Europe," paper presented to the International Seminar on Local Systems of Small Firms and Job Creation, June 1-2, 1995, OECD, Paris, France.
  • 1995 "Bootstrapping Reform: Rebuilding Firms, the Welfare State and Unions." Politics and Society, vol. 23, no. 1, March 1995, pp. 5-48, and as "'Bootstrapping-Reform' oder: Revolutionrer Reformismus und die Erneuerung von Firmen, Gewerkschaften und Wohlfahrtsstaat im regionalen Kontext" in Regionale Modernisierungspolitik: Nationale und Internationale Perspektiven (Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1997), pp. 15-52.
  • 1994 "Learning by Monitoring: The Institutions of Economic Development." In Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg, eds., Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press and Russell Sage Foundation, 1994), pp. 137-165, and in Lloyd Rodwin and Donald A. Schon, eds., Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert O. Hirschman (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution and Lincoln Institute, 1994), pp. 231-274.
  • 1994 "Verblate Tugenden: Zur Krise des deutschen Produktionsmodells," with Horst Kern. In Soziale Welt, Sonderband 9: Umbrche gesellschaftlicher Arbeit (1994), pp. 605-624.
  • 1994 "Un virage ngocier pour les districts industriels." In Sabel and Arnaldo Bagnasco, eds., PME et dveloppement conomique en Europe (Paris: La Dcouverte, 1994), pp. 159-188.
  • 1994 "Large Firms and Small: Where They Are in Europe Viewed From Where They WERE." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cooperation and Competitiveness (Lisbon, October 1993), pp. 55-73.
  • 1993 "Constitutional Ordering in Historical Context." In Fritz W. Scharpf, ed., Games in Hierarchies and Networks (Boulder: Westview Press, 1993), pp. 65-123. A revised version is forthcoming in Robert Boyer and Rogers Hollingsworth, eds., Governance of Capitalist Economies.
  • 1993 "Can the End of the Social Democratic Trade Unions be the Beginning of a New Kind of Social Democratic Politics?" In Stephen R. Sleigh, ed., Economic Restructuring and Emerging Patterns of Industrial Relations (Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1993), pp. 137-165.
  • 1993 "Making Money Talk: Towards a New Debtor-Creditor Relation in German Banking," with Richard E. Deeg and John R. Griffin. In John C. Coffee, Ronald J. Gilson and Louis Lowenstein, eds., Relational Investing (New York: Oxford University Press).
  • 1993 "Stories, Strategies, Structures: Rethinking Historical Alternatives to Mass Production." In Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin, eds., World of Possibilities: Flexibility and Mass Production in Western Industrialization (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 1-33.
  • 1993 "Die Treuhandanstalt: Experimentierfeld zur Entwicklung neuer Unternehmensformen," with Horst Kern. In Wolfram Fischer, Herbert Hax, and Hans Karl Schneider, eds., Treuhandanstalt Das Unmgliche wagen (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993), pp. 481-504.
  • 1993 "Zwischen Baum und Borke: Zur Unsicherheit der Treuhand, was sie als nchstes sagen sollte" (Between Pillar and Post: Reflections on the Treuhand’s Uncertainty about What to Say Next), with Horst Kern, in SOFI Mitteilungen, no. 19 (1992), pp. 61-78.
  • 1992 "Studied Trust: Building New Forms of Cooperation in a Volatile Economy." In Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger, eds., Industrial Districts and Local Economic Regeneration (Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 1992), pp. 215-250. Reprinted in Dominique Foray and Christopher Freeman, eds., Technology and the Wealth of Nations: The Dynamics of Constructed Advantage (London: Pinter Publishers, 1993), pp. 332-352; Human Relations, vol. 46, no. 9 (1993), pp. 1133-1170; and Richard Swedberg, ed., Explorations in Economic Sociology (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1993), pp. 104-144.
  • 1992 "The Small Holder Economy in Denmark: The Exception as Variation," with Peer Hull Kristensen. In Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin, eds., World of Possibility: Flexibility and Mass Production in Western Industrialization (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 344-378.
  • 1991 "Reputations Do Not Make Markets: A Comment on J. Bradford De Long's Did J. P. Morgan's Men Add Value? An Economist's Perspective on Financial Capitalism." In Peter Temin, ed., Inside the Business Enterprise: Historical Perspectives on the Use of Information (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991), pp. 236-249.
  • 1991 "Kooperative Produktion: Neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Endfertigern und Zulieferern in der Automobilindustrie und die Neuordnung der Firma" (Collaborative Manufacturing: New Supplier Relations in the Automobile Industry and the Redefinition of the Industrial Corporation), with Horst Kern and Gary Herrigel. In H.G. Mendius and U. Wendeling-Schrder, eds., Zulieferer im Netz -- Zwischen Abhngigkeit und Partnerschaft (Kln: Bund Verlag, 1991), pp. 203-227.
  • 1991 "Moebius-Strip Organizations and Open Labor Markets: Some Consequences of the Reintegration of Conception and Execution in a Volatile Economy." In James Coleman and Pierre Bourdieu, eds., Social Theory for a Changing Society (Boulder: Westview Press, 1991), pp. 23-63; and forthcoming in Tony Charles and Wolfgang Littek, eds., The New Division of Labour.
  • 1991 "Trade Unions and Decentralized Production: A Sketch of Strategic Problems in the West German Labor Movement," with Horst Kern. In Marino Regini, ed., The Future of Labor Movements (London: Sage, 1992), pp. 217-249; and Politics and Society, vol. 19, no. 4 (1991), pp. 373-402. An earlier version was published under the title "Gewerkschaften in offenen Arbeitsmrkten. berlegungen zur Rolle der Gewerkschaften in der industriellen Reorganisation," in Soziale Welt, vol. 41, no. 2 (1990), pp. 144-166.
  • 1989 "Flexible Specialization and the Re-emergence of Regional Economies." In Paul Hirst and Jonathan Zeitlin, eds., Reversing Industrial Decline? Industrial Structure and Policy in Britain and Her Competitors (Oxford: Berg, 1989), pp. 17-70; and Ash Amin, ed., Post-Fordism: A Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 101-156.
  • 1989 "Le strategie di riaggiustamento industriale in Italia: uno sguardo d'insieme in chiave comparata," with Marino Regini. In Charles F. Sabel and Marino Regini, eds., Strategie di riaggiustamento industriale (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1989), pp. 11-59; and Stato e Mercato, no. 24 (1988), pp. 306-346.
  • 1989 "Regional Prosperities Compared: Massachusetts and Baden-Wrttemberg," with Gary Herrigel, Richard Deeg, and Richard Kazis. In Economy and Society, vol. 18, no. 4 (November 1991), pp. 374-404. Reprinted in Ulrich Hilpert, ed., Regional Innovation and Decentralization: High Tech Industry and Government Policy (London: Routledge, 1991), pp. 177-196.
  • 1988 "Protoindustry and the Problem of Capitalism as a Concept," in International Labor and Working-Class History, no. 33 (Spring 1988), pp. 30-37.
  • 1986 "Changing Models of Economic Efficiency and Their Implications for Industrialization in the Third World." In Alejandro Foxley, Michael S. McPherson, and Guillermo O'Donnell, eds., Development, Democracy and the Art of Trespassing: Essays in Honor of Albert O. Hirschman (South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986), pp. 27-55. Reprinted in Julio Echeverria, ed., Globalization, Flexibility and New Models of Productivity: Firms, Trade Unions, and Social Actors (Quito, Ecuador: Nariz del Diablo, 1993).
  • 1986 "Struktureller Wandel der Produktion und neue gewerkschaftliche Strategien," in Prokla 62 (March 1986), pp. 41-60. Reprinted as "A Fighting Chance: Structural Change and New Labor Strategies," in International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 17, no. 3 (Fall 1987), pp. 26-56.
  • 1986 "Industrializzazione del Terzo Mondo e nuovi modelli produttivi," in Stato e Mercato, no. 17 (August 1986), pp. 217-251.
  • 1985 "Historical Alternatives to Mass Production," with Jonathan Zeitlin, in Past and Present, no. 108 (August 1985), pp. 133-176. An earlier version appeared in Italian translation in Stato e Mercato, no. 5 (August 1982), pp. 213-258.
  • 1985 "Industrial Relations and Industrial Adjustment in the Car Industry," with Harry Katz, in Industrial Relations, vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 1985). Excerpted in Technology Review, vol. 88, no. 7 (October 1985), pp. 54-61, under the title, "The Future of Automaking: What Role for Unions."
  • 1984 "Industrial Reorganization and Social Democracy in Austria," in Industrial Relations, vol. 23, no. 3 (Fall 1984), pp. 344-361.
  • 1984 "Le innovazioni tecnologiche nelle imprese di dimensioni piccole e medie." In Gilberto Antonelli, ed., Innovazioni tecnologiche e struttura produttiva: la posizione dell'Italia (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1984), pp. 45-75.
  • 1983 "Italian Small Business Development: Lessons for U.S. Policy," with Michael J. Piore. In John Zysman and Laura Tyson, eds., American Industry in International Competition: Government Policies and Corporate Strategies (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983), pp. 391-421.
  • 1983 "Neo-Fordism or Flexible Specialization? The Micro-Politics of Industrial Reorganization." In Helmut Kramer and Felix Butschek, eds., Strukturpolitik als Dimension der Vollbeschftigungspolitik (Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1983), pp. 59-75.
  • 1983 "Kontrollierte Flexibilitt." In Anton Benya and Charles F. Sabel, eds., Gewerkschaftsstrategie in den achtziger Jahren (Vienna: Verlag des sterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes, 1983).
  • 1982 "Class Conflict and the Social Democratic Reform Cycle in Germany," with Mary Nolan. In Gosta Esping-Andersen and Roger Friedland, eds., Political Power and Social Theory, vol. 3 (1982), pp. 145-173.
  • 1982 "Planning, Politics, and Shop-Floor Power: Hidden Forms of Bargaining in Soviet-Imposed State-Socialist Societies," with David Stark, in Politics and Society, vol. 11, no. 4 (1982), pp. 439-475.
  • 1981 "Artisan Production and Economic Growth," with Sebastiano Brusco. In Frank Wilkenson, ed., The Dynamics of Labor Market Segmentation (London: Academic Press, 1981), pp. 99-113.
  • 1981 "The Internal Politics of Trade Unions." In Suzanne Berger, ed., Organizing Interests in Western Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), pp. 209-244.
  • 1979 "Marginal Workers in Industrial Society," in Challenge, vol. 22, no. 1 (March-April 1979), pp. 22-32; also in Michael J. Piore, ed., Unemployment and Inflation: Institutionalist and Structuralist Views (White Plains, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1979), pp. 170-185.
  • 1979 "Business Unions in den U.S.A. "Eine Verteidigung gegen ihre falschen Feinde," with Richard Herding. In Joachim Bergmann, ed., Beitrge zur Soziologie der Gewerkschaften (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1979), pp. 262-286.
  • 1978 "Zur relativen Autonomie der Deutungsmuster" (On the Relative Autonomy of World-Views), with Hartmut Neuendorff. In Transactions of the 18th Congress of Germany Sociologists; and in French translation, in Sociologie du travail 20 (January-March 1978), pp. 68-75.

Other Publications
  • 1993 "State of the Unions (and Why You Should Care)," with Joel Rogers. In Inc Magazine, January 1994, pp. 23-24.
  • 1993 "Imagining Unions," in Boston Review, vol. 18, no. 5 (October/November 1993), pp. 10-12.
  • 1989 "Left Behind at the Forge" (review of Mark Reutter, Sparrows Point, and John P. Hoerr, And the Wolf Finally Came). New York Times Book Review, February 5, 1989, pp. 3, 30.
  • 1987 "How to Keep Mature Industries Innovative," with Gary Herrigel, Richard Kazis, and Richard Deeg, in Technology Review, vol. 90, no. 3 (April 1987), pp. 26-35. Reprinted in abridged form in The New York Times, June 14, 1987, p. B2.
  • 1987 "Un metr nel centro del mondo," in L'Unita, Oct. 22, 1987, p. 12. (Review of Red Grooms Exhibition at the Whitney Museum, New York City, October, 1987.)
  • 1983 "La new Italy della piccola impressa," in Politica ed Economia (July-August 1983), pp. 73-75.
  • 1980 "Piccole imprese, professionalita, alleanze di classe," with Adele Pesce, in I Consigli, new series (July 1980), pp. 57-64.
  • 1979 "Rationalization and Unemployment in Germany: Their Impact on a Fragile Truce." Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Association Annual Meeting (December 28, 1979, Atlanta, GA), pp. 316-324.
  • 1978 "Ambiguities of Class and the Possibility of Politics," in Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Inter-University Center of Montreal (March 1978), pp. 257-279.
  • 1978 Review of Ivar Berg, et al., Managers and Work Reform: A Limited Engagement, in Challenge, vol. 22, no. 3 (July-August 1979), pp. 64-66.




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